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Normal  (5-7 working days)


Normal (Standard Delivery 5-7 working days)


Orders delivered within the UK should arrive in 5-7 working days depending on delivery location.


Working days do not include weekends and there is no weekend shipping

Some items cannot be shipped using Quick or Next Day due to size, weight, and delivery address.


Please note that orders could arrive in multiple packages.


Delivery to Multiple Addresses

If you choose to ship to multiple addresses we will add £5 for each additional address.


Over the Water (International Delivery)

All orders shipping to a destination outside of the ðŸ‡¬ðŸ‡§ are subject to the import duties, fees, and taxes of the destination country.



Quick (2-4 working days)


Quick (2-4 working days)


Quick delivery is only available on select products for our customers within UK. 


Quick delivery orders will be processed on the same day if they are placed by 12:00 GMT on a weekday and should arrive within 3 working days.


Orders placed after 12:00pm GMT will be processed on the following working day and should arrive in 3-4 working days. 


All orders must have a valid street address (no PO Boxes).


Not all items are eligible for expedited delivery. 




Next Day (1-2 working days).


Next Day: (1-2 working days)


Next Day delivery is only available on select products for customers within the UK.


Next Day delivery orders will be processed on the same day if they are placed by 12:00pm GMT on week day and should arrive the next working day.


Orders placed after 12:00pm GMT will be processed on the following working day and should arrive in 2 working days. 


All orders must have a valid street address (no PO Boxes).


Not all items are eligible for expedited delivery.



MeSh offers a refund to customers if they’ve told us within 14 days of receiving their goods that they want to cancel.
Customers have another 14 days to return the goods once they’ve told us.
The refund will actioned within 7 days of receiving the goods back.

Refunds are offered on all non-personalised items.

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